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Employee handbooks — North Carolina

Human resources policies are so commonplace that many companies simply assume that they need them and go no further than the nearest formbook to get them. Prudent companies, however, are a bit more discerning; they issue policies only after giving careful thought as to what policy provisions are required and desired. As a general rule, no policy should ever be issued without carefully weighing its respective advantages and disadvantages to the company. A good rule of thumb is that the employer should be able to articulate a good reason for every policy issued and every provision within each such policy. If the employer cannot do so, then it should not include it.

Handbooks and legal requirements

There are a number of reasons for a company to issue human resources policies. Some federal and state laws expressly require companies to have policies concerning certain topics. For instance, the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) requires companies with 50 or more employees to have policies and procedures for certain absences. The federal affirmative action laws require covered federal contractors and subcontractors to have written affirmative action plans that contain very detailed procedures...

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