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FL: Catastrophic Workplace Accidents: It Could Happen to You

While no employer ever expects a catastrophic workplace accident or incident to occur at their work site, the fact is that these events do happen and it is critical that you have an effective response plan in place. Reacting after the fact will only complicate things. How can you ensure you and your company are prepared?

After this webinar you will be able to:

  • Identify the essential components of a comprehensive program both from a regulatory perspective as well as a “common sense” perspective
  • Develop strategies for establishing an effective internal and external communications process
  • Design an effective response plan and who needs to be involved
  • Evaluate different approaches for testing your plan and assuring that all involved personnel are properly trained and prepared

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hr|WEBINAR: FL: Catastrophic Workplace Accidents: It Could Happen to You
Category: safety/OSHA
Duration: 60 minutes
CREDITS: 1 SHRM and HRCI credit
Host: Florida Chamber Safety Council
Cost: Free