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New Title IX Regulations re: Sexual Misconduct/Harassment

Hosted by Laner Muchin
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As you may know, the Department of Education Office of Civil Rights (“OCR”) released its new Title IX regulations governing how K-12 and postsecondary institutions that receive federal financial assistance must process and respond to sexual harassment and sex discrimination complaints. The new regulations set out significant changes to the complaint process and an institution’s obligations under Title IX. The changes are drastic and include: the type of conduct that is protected under Title IX; the practices institutions are required to implement through policy, training, investigation and adjudication of claims; and record-keeping requirements. All institutions must be compliant with OCR’s new regulations by August 14, 2020. This webinar will provide an overview of OCR’s new regulations and how to determine what processes will work best for your institution. It is critical to review and update your Title IX policies and to train your staff on the new requirements relating to notice, investigating and adjudicating complaints and record-keeping to ensure compliance with Title IX moving forward. In addition, this webinar will touch on applicable caselaw and state statutes you need to consider when revising your policies and procedures.