The impact of super bowl(ing)

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October 24th, 2018

The impact of the super bowl(ing) will extend far beyond the almost interminable pre- and post- and game. Approach this now with a nose hit and address gambling, dress codes, productivity and attendance.

Rich Meneghello, one of our anchors and frequent blog authors from Fisher Phillips, will fill you in and spares you the legalese with a split discussion: leading up to the game and the day after.

So don’t just be throwing rocks: pick a lane (not a blocked lane), set your maples, don’t be a hambone. With a clean sheet as your foundation, you can frame this not as a wash out or a turkey, but rack it up as a perfect game and maybe see a return with a cherry and not a sour apple. So leave the deadwood without a foul. Strike on, not strike out and everything will schleifer, just like it always does. Right?

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