Interview with attorneys at Knudsen Law Firm

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October 24th, 2018

It’s time to get to know the authors of the Nebraska HR Library, Kevin R. McManaman and Jeanelle R. Lust of Knudsen Law Firm!

1. Tell us about Knudsen:

The firm has been around for about 130 years. Kevin and Jeanelle only feel like they’ve been around that long. We do a lot of work for schools, nursing homes, and Nebraska employers.

2. Who works on the Nebraska HR Library?

Kevin and Jeanelle.

3. How do you think the Nebraska HR Library benefits readers?

It’s easy to read and easy to understand and Kevin and Jeanelle answer the phone if you don’t understand what they wrote. (We blame poor editing). [Editor's note: No comment.]

4. What do you think is the biggest issue employers face currently in employment law?

Social media – Can you fire because of what your employees say about you, for being on it on company time, or for showing things that our inappropriate but done on their own time? Should employers use social media for background checks, promoting opportunities, promoting products, spying on employees? How much time and effort should be spent monitoring this stuff? What do you do when you see your paralegals entered and win a wet t-shirt contest besides congratulate her on the free trip? No seriously what do you do….

5. Finally, to get to know you better, we want to know: What do you like on your pizza?

Jeanelle likes Super Supreme. Kevin: Red peppers, Chicken and mushrooms.

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